N.H.46, Rajnandgaon, C.G. 491441 INDIA +918305741278

Launch ICO

Key Services Provided

Key Services Provided for ICO

  • ICO Website
  • Crypto Payment Gateway
  • Referral System
  • Live Stats in ICO Website
  • Coin Development
  • Explorer Setup
  • KYC for Customers if Required

ICO – Initial Coin Offering

User in the world of crypto-currency are well familiar with the word ICO. ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering , if compared with real world traditional example it’s more similar to IPO , initial public offering.

With the success of Bitcoin and emergence of currencies like Lite-coin and Ethereum many corporate and individual try to implement the block-chain solutions to different aspects like Demand Supply , Asset Management etc.

Implementing any of the Block Chain solution requires and asset identifier and its value (Generally termed as Coin more often Crypto Currency.) So any block chain solutions starts with coins. To implement the Block Chain Application and to gain initial funding to take application further ICO is launched , its like launching the IPO for a company.

Launch ICO – How to Do it.

Launching ICO requires lot of technical ,  marketing and block chain knowledge. Block chain developers which are rare to get on board helps to create website and create application to accepts payment in Crypto Currency.

Accepting payment in crypto currency like Bitcoin , Ethereum is pretty important over here since most of thee users of crypto world want to get pay the amount in concurrency and receive the other concurrency.

Apart from Block Chain team web developers and designers  are required to put everything in fronted for users.

In  ICO coins needs to be launch which will serve the purpose of Block Chain application and can be further traded in Crypto Exchanges. Coin development requires highly experience block chain developers

Infrastructure Required.

ICO is infrastructure sensitive , many ICO in past have shot from 100 Users to 10000 Users in few hours post launch. Infrastructure require for ICO should be scale-able from 2 Processor to 10 Processor Server in no time. PGFX uses industry leading experts Server Provider as vendors which offers state of art infrastructure require for ICO. Server Required for ICO

  1. Server For ICO Website
  2. Server for Seed Node for Coin
  3. Server for Explorer
  4. Server for Running Wallet coins for Bitcoin and Ethereum and other accepted Crytpocurrency.

Launch ICO – How PGFX can help

PGFX has experts team of Block chain and Web developers who have launched several projects in past related to ICO. ICO requires a diversified team with specific knowledge of Block Chain , Web development , Designing , NodeJs and AngularJs. PGFX has one of the best team well verse with the require technologies.

Along with technical team PGFX testing team is experience in checking the block chain application and well understand the block chain and crypto concepts which ensures quality product is delivered.

PGFX Management and Marketing team ensures that every requirement of client is taken with detail attention and is put before the development team. With all the things well documented communication gap is reduced and best product is delivered to the client.